Sponsor our Revive Kids Program at SBS!

Summer is going by quickly and soon, it will  Back to School time, which means it's also Back to Step By Step weekly Revive time! Currently, our summer programming is going very well.  Our 2024-2025 season launches in September, and our Revive Kids programming will be better than ever. Based on SWOT analysis and best practices developed with professional educators, our moms, and our kids, we plan to improve our program this year by:

  • Maintaining paid Children's Coordinators. Over the last year, we’ve been able to hire a team of Children’s Coordinators to support our volunteers and invest in our children on a weekly basis. Ensuring safety requires consistency, and it is essential to invest in a team responsible for implementation. Your support allows this team to continue to grow and receive compensation for their investment.
  • Recruiting Revive Kids Leaders, who are consistent leaders in each room from week to week and certified in First Aid and CPR. This past year, for the first time, we had a consistent leader in each Revive Kids classroom every single week. The ability to pay them for their time provides consistency and longevity and ensures the kids see the same faces and that volunteers have a uniform experience.
  • Continuing to refine our check-in and check-out process for the safety and security of our moms and their kids.
  • Adapting the Awana curriculum to the needs of our children, teaching them Bible lessons with songs and crafts, setting a foundation that will last a lifetime.
  • Adding programming (in addition to Revive), which means additional staffing constraints and the need to accommodate children for the short-term life-skill intensive workshops for SBS moms, focused on topics such as financial literacy.

This year we are asking 155 people to sponsor our Revive Kids Program with a one-time donation of $65 to help us continue to offer top-notch children's programming to every child that we serve. Thanks to the generosity of SBS supporter, Greg Pakis, the first $5,000 in sponsorships will be matched dollar-for-dollar in support of Revive Kids!


What is Revive Kids?

Every Thursday night during the school year, and often throughout the summer, we pick up young single moms ages 12-24 and their children for SBS programming. For all SBS programming, we provide free transportation, a hot meal for the family, and bring dynamic programming to these young moms. At Revive nights, we discuss critical life skills including mental and physical health, finances, education and career, and parenting so that every young mother we see has the knowledge and opportunity to create a better life for herself and her children, and opportunities to succeed. For our Level Up Series, we offer semester-based workshops that dive deeper on topics relevant to our young single moms, such as financial literacy and parenting.

We desire to also provide a safe, fun, and encouraging programming evening for the children as well. That’s where you come in! Kids represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. Awana is a children’s ministry curriculum that establishes welcoming, supportive environments where kids, from every background and cultural setting, learn how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives. Awana reaches kids for Christ through fun, Scripture-rich experiences that lead them to know, love, and serve Him.

Oftentimes, Step By Step is the only church these kids attend. Partnering with us means more children in Lexington hear the Gospel in relevant and impactful ways that lead them to lifetime relationships with Jesus.

**All funds raised will be used at the discretion of Step By Step, and will support programs like Revive Kids as well as additional work with young single moms and their children.