Pave The Way for SBS Families
Throughout Step By Step's history, we have worked to remove obstacles for our young moms ages 12 to 24 and their children, empowering them to take steps forward in their lives. Transportation is often among the largest obstacles for our moms to participate in our program. About 2 out of 3 of our moms do not have a car, leaving them to rely on Lexington's limited public transportation, family and friends, or exponentially expensive Uber and Lyft rides to get them to work, appointments, and other activities. That means about 60% of our moms and kids would not be able to participate in Step By Step.
Every Thursday night, Step By Step runs vans around Lexington, picking up moms and kids for our Revive nights, removing an obstacle that may otherwise prevent them from making it to Revive, where moms learn new skills and receive love, support, and community.
Help us PAVE THE WAY, as we continue to work to remove the obstacle of transportation. We are in need of new shuttle buses to reliably transport moms and kids to Step By Step programs.
Check out the video to hear from our Moms and Volunteers why reliable transportation makes a difference!